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Seeing the Invisible
- 29 Sep 23
- Expired!
Bring your smart phone or device to reveal 13 works of contemporary art that become visible only through the magic of augmented reality (AR) technology.
Seeing the Invisible is a free, international exhibition being presented simultaneously in eight countries across the globe.
It is the most ambitious and expansive exhibition of its kind to date, with Adelaide Botanic Garden as the only place in Australia to experience the art.
Presented amongst a beautiful botanical backdrop, the artworks address themes around nature, environment and sustainability. Their digital format removes any need to physically disturb the Garden and keeps the carbon footprint to a minimum.
Many of the works have an interactive element, offering a fun and unique way to explore the space where art, technology and nature intersect.
World renowned artists displaying their work includes: Ai Weiwei, Refik Anadol, El Anatsui, Isaac Julien CBE RA, Mohammed Kazem, Sigalit Landau, Sarah Meyohas, Pamela Rosenkranz, Timur Si-Qin.