Given the choice between flying or taking a train, I’ll always take the train option.
Especially with recent news stories of long delays at airports and lost luggage, it was a very easy decision to catch the Overland to Melbourne to visit my son on Mother’s Day.
The Overland train timetable
These days, it’s a daytime journey and it runs twice weekly from Adelaide on Sundays and Thursdays.
Right on eight o’clock, my train pulled out from the Adelaide Parklands Terminal, and I settled back into my very comfortable seat for the next nine hours. It was absolutely glorious as we climbed up through the Adelaide Hills.

There was so much to take in, from the vibrant autumn colours of the Hills trees to quaint stone cottages, and a light morning mist drifting across the valleys, I felt like I was in a different place. Fellow passengers commented that the Hills’ ascent equalled travelling through the Blue Mountains into Sydney.
Having purchased a Red Premium ticket, I sat back and enjoyed a delicious breakfast while watching the ever-changing scenery.
Our first stop was Murray Bridge, where several new passengers boarded our train. We continued our relaxing journey eastwards, passing through Bordertown, and then through the lush Wimmera district of Victoria. Looking around me, I kept on thinking how very lucky we are to live in such a beautiful and peaceful country.
As we journeyed towards Melbourne, lunch was served by the wonderful carriage staff – more beautiful food, this time enjoyed with a glass of wine.
Mid-afternoon, it was time to have a snooze, then all too soon we were passing through Geelong and the outskirts of Melbourne.

As we pulled into the Southern Cross Station, right in the heart of Melbourne, there was my gorgeous son, Edward, waiting on the platform for me.
What a perfect ending to my adventure.